TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Interactive Views

The TRAVERSE interactive view functions display information in an interactive format; these are highly configurable data screens that allow you to sort, group, and output the view according to your unique needs. Most views also include a totals bar, making it easier to add analysis values to the data.

Using interactive views, you can easily and quickly build and manipulate the view to display information in exactly the way you need it. After selecting from the available criteria to display as filter fields, data items, column fields, or row fields, you can highlight columns and rows to have the selected rows/columns display as a graph below the table. Use the Ctrl+click (to select multiple rows/columns) and Shift+click (to select all rows/columns between the first and second click) shortcuts, after selecting an original row/column, to include multiple rows/columns in the graph.

You can also create custom views by setting up the view the way you want, then saving it as a Named View using the Views button.

The view is private, that is, available only to you, unless you designate it as a Public view by editing the view. To edit your view, select Edit Views... in the Views menu. The View Editor will display.

Click the Public button for the view you want to make public, then close the editor. Public views are indicated with an asterisk beside the view name.

The data filter is also used when creating reports. See Using Reports for more information about data filter options. For more information on using conditional statements, see Conditional Basics on the Using Reports page.

Each column of an interactive view has a little filter (funnel) icon you can use to filter the column by selected column criteria. You also have an option to Show Filter Row if you right-click on a column header. This adds a row at the top of the data where the filter criteria can be entered. This can be easier to enter filter criteria.

In the example below, we used the % wildcard in the name field to find any company names that include “inc” and entered Mn in the Region column to limit the list to Minnesota companies.

You can find more details about using interactive views in the TRAVERSE Interactive View Tutorial.

The following are links to movies describing the different types of interactive views: